to Aug 3

MRHS 2025 Convention - New Details

Save the date for the Missabe Railroad Historical Society’s Annual Convention in 2025. The Convention will be held in Duluth this year on August 1, 2 and 3

This year’s Convention will focus on the Duluth Docks and their history and operation.

You can find the Convention Brochure here with the tentative itinerary and registration form to mail in. Or just go to our STORE and click on the Convention items to register online. Make sure you give us an email address so we can confirm your registration quickly.

We'll start at the Lake Superior Railroad Museum Friday night with heavy appetizers and a presentation. We have a block of rooms at the Radisson Duluth Harborview, where we'll assemble for breakfast on Saturday, followed by clinics from Dave Schauer, Bob Hanmer and others. Then we plan to board the Vista Queen for a private tour of the harbor with a focus on the Missabe and ore related history. Our banquet will be Saturday night at the LSRM in front of DM&IR 227 with a guest speaker. Sunday morning will include breakfast back at the Radisson and our Annual Meeting.

Make you plans to attend now! More details will be coming in the next month. If you choose to, you can book your room at the Radisson with this code (which holds a block at a special rate for the Convention) or call them and ask for the room block for Missabe Railroad Historical Society. A two night minimum is required for the reduced rate, and you must book by July 1, 2025 (or while supplies last). Other hotels are also available in the downtown Duluth area near the LSRM and Radisson.

See you in August!

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to Aug 11

MRHS Convention 2024

Register now for the 2024 MRHS Annual Convention. The event will be held August 9 - August 11 in Chisholm, MN at the Minnesota Discovery Center. This year you will be able to register and pay online at our STORE, or you can print out the Convention Flier and pay with check via USPS.

Booking lodging is on your own this year, so be sure to check out local lodging online.

For details and a tentative itinerary, read the flier linked here..

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to Sep 10

2023 MRHS Convention - UPDATE - Registration Form

UPDATE August 6, 2023

Our MRHS Convention this year will be held in Duluth in conjunction with the Lake Superior Railroad Museum's 50th Gala. We'll be meeting Friday night at the Museum in the open area (Center Square) in front of Missabe 227 for appetizers and drinks, and a presentation on DM&IR signalling. The next morning we'll board the train for Two Harbors. Once back in Duluth, we'll enjoy apps and drinks and attend the LSRM Gala Banquet with guest speaker Gordon Trafton, formerly VP of CN Southern Operations, and now on the CPKC board of directors. The LSRM Banquet in included in your Convention Registration. There is no need to buy tickets separately. Sunday will be our breakfast, Archives Auction and Annual Meeting. See details in the itinerary included with the registration form here.

We did secure a group rate at the Radisson Duluth for Friday and Saturday night September 8th and 9th. It's $169 for a city-view room with two queen beds or one King bed. Hurry! This offer expires August 8, 2023. You can make reservations via phone at 1-800-333-3333, or online at:

Use Promo Code: MISSAB

There is a 2 night minimum requirement at the Radisson over the weekend from June - October, so to get this discounted rate/or any rate at the hotel over that weekend, guests will have to book for 2 nights.

Click here for the registration form to mail in with a check, or click here to register online in our Store. An itinerary is included with the form. Hope to see you in September!

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10:00 AM10:00

2023 Clean Team Event at LSRM

Please join us on Saturday, May 6th at 10:00 AM for our annual Clean Team event at the Lake Superior Railroad Museum - 506 W. Michigan Street, Duluth. Lunch will be provided. Come and join fellow members as we clean and polish the many DM&IR exhibits at the Museum for the upcoming 50th Anniversary season.

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to Aug 14

Annual Convention - Aug 12 - Aug 14 - Register Now

Register now for the 2022 MRHS Annual Convention. The event will be held August 12 - August 14 in Chisholm, MN at the Minnesota Discovery Center. This year you will be able to register and pay online at our STORE, or you can print out the Convention Flier and pay with check via USPS.

Booking lodging is on your own this year, so be sure to check out local lodging online.

For details and a tentative itinerary, read the flier linked here.

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to Aug 29

Friends of the Edna G. to hold Anniversary Celebration

  • Google Calendar ICS

The MRHS will have a booth open at the Friends of the Edna G.’s 125th Anniversary Celebration on August 28th and 29th. We will have selected items from our MRHS store as well as some T-shirts for sale. We hope our members can attend this event as the Edna G. is a big part of DM&IR history in Two Harbors and the Friends have been working hard to get this celebration set up. For more information about the event, check out the Friends o the Edna G. website at

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